I normally don’t spend a great deal of time thinking about my sperm.
But recently a team of scientists announced they had made artificial sperm from human bone marrow, and media reports abounded with the dire news that my goodfellas (and by extension, me) had been rendered unnecessary.
If a woman chose to do so, speculated tabloid journalists, she could make sperm from her own bone marrow, fertilize another woman’s egg — and voila!
read the whole story

I've believed for a very long time, that most women hate men, but some like dick.
Many men, including me, love the concept of "Pussy Power", I enjoy the idea in a collaborative sense and not a domination or control issue. Some go to the extreme of having envy problems, just as many women have penis envy problems that stem from the perceptions that other genders have more liberty and power than the other. When in fact most of it comes from a vain naricissitic place inside that desires not to be in collaboration with anyone, but to stand in the place of God, being the omnipresent recipent of love and praise, simply for existing.
Today, most people are born out of fucks and not loving beautiful intentions expressed by sexual contact. In addition most of us are "honest" people as opposed to "truthful" humans, honesty requires that one express their thought or emotional state in the moment, usually with regard to another's or their own emotional state, but without much thought or regard to the lasting affects of their expressions.
I can truthfully say that, although I can enjoy a good fuck for fuck's sake, now and then, I get horny and need to fuck, I don't like being horny, I prefer something more spiritually and emotionally uplifting. I don't enjoy fucking in lue of sharing a loving sexual experience, which always requires transparency, the fullest disclosure and intimate communications before the deed is done. Then I am able to speak, without fear of repercussions or embarassment, the experience I intended to share with another, where others are almost always self focused and selfish in their actions. Stating their intent after they're achieved their desire.
The world is very toxic right now and it extends from the toxic desires of people to take, have, own and control the lives and actions of other living beings, while protecting themselves from the dangers of intimacy. As a result one cannot have a limited supply return intentionally repeatable benefical results with infinate variations. That includes children.
If one is to believe that the only "goodness" comes from within themselves and they seek to replicate themselves, the result will include and exagerate the flaws, socially, geneticly and emotionally.
Welcome to the world of perpetual Columbine.