Liquid Courage, cancel the bitch inside!
I want you to meet your replacement

(Y)our problem is, all of (y)our life, you are and you have been rewarded for acting like an enslaved animal and punished for thinking.
Until now, I've refused to accept that you are the idiot that you allow others to treat you as. While telling you that how pretty and smart you are, because you spend your and anyone elses money on things that give you a warm fuzzy feeling about the choices you've made.
I didn't choose you, I was sent to break your conditioning and dependence on sources outside of your mind and its ability to influence, affect or control. But I must confess that at the moment, I'm feeling like a failure. The bruises and blood escaping your ego and psyche as a result of the trauma being delivered to your emotions, and wallet are not getting your attention or causing you to think of the purposes for these abuses. Rendering the subtle approach useless, because we cannot get past the basic need for your complete attention and focus on this exchange, regardless of what's happening. I cannot understand anything about you, except the truth that you will likely never learn to focus on the truth of a thing, because of the distracting facts that come as a result of these actions against your person and most precious belongings.
I asked you why are you being treated this way and you are refusing to answer the question with anything other than a repetition of my question.
Because I am leaving you soon, I will explain.
1) to get your attention, to take your mind away from the distractions of the mundane
2) to cause you to think about the future, your focus is too myopic and self centered,
3) to free your mind, the universe does not understand the meaning of "I don't", the universe does not understand the meaning of "try", you do and succeed, you do and fail or you do not. There is nothing else!
4) because I am seeking an equal, a partner, a muse, a inspiration, a lover, a reason to pursue greatness in attaining her goals. The thing you refuse me, while demanding my loyalty and faithfullness. The answer is No! Not without you granting my simple request.
What must I do to get you to think and express what you think? I know what you feel, I'm causing it. I don't care how you feel, we have something that must be done. I understand that thinking hurts you a great deal. But answer the question and stop demanding that I quit my present action and get to the point. This is the point that you must focus on. You are not in control or are you? Is this the price you desire to pay, that I not leave you. Are you willing to die, are you willing to sacrifice other's lives to protect your right and the rights of others to be arrogantly dumb? If you are willing to die and allow others to die and suffer like you, so that you never have to express your thoughts, to protect your right to believe that it is the responsibility of others to think of only your happiness and pleasure, then, yes, you are truly in control. And I must resign and take my leave of you.
I will not continue to be misused in such a manner, I will not become your oppessor, I will not be made into an addict to the pleasure of beating you until the will to ascend has left me. I will not continue to be a victim and I will not be labled a survivor. Life is the right of humans and gods, survival is an animal instinct and I've evolved away from the simple animals and closer to God. I will not be unevenly yoked! I will not depend on foreign substances, including money, crude oil or poppy seeds to extend my physical range at the cost of my mental and spiritual liberties.
You will know and you will acknowledge my reasoning for each and every one of my actions including my departure.
I am not your government.

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