
Stupid Boys are Good for the Species

Now when we take a look at the present state of humanity, one may be forced to think how stupid our youth appears to be.

Well Tricky said, "If you follow a stupid kid home, I bet someone stupid answers the door".

With that said. Really intelligent men tend not to make as many babies.
That goes for really intelligent women too, but it has a slightly different numerical skew and impact. When you look at the numbers of women who have multiple children by a number of different fathers, you may be able to note something impressively important, many of those women share children with the same set of fathers and these fathers have similar characteristics. One that is most notable is their lack of intelligence.

It's similar to the porn industry, where, before the advent of the DV camcorder, less than one percent of the men working in the industry were having sex with over ninety percent of the women in the business.

Without these dumb boys making babies like hampsters, we'd have very few disposable people to send off to war, work dangerous, toxic, thankless, low paying jobs, lock-up to do America's dirty work, like cleaning highway shores. Soon we'd have very little exploitable population, because the super bright amongst us believe and say things like, "I don't want to be responsible for making another one like me". "I can't find a suitable partner". & "I ain't up for commitment right now".
Which in turn gives us countless generations of canon fodder to deal with and reinforce the belief for the intellectual exception, that making new human beings is not worth the grunt

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